Comprehensive Insurance Planning

Preparing and planning for the uncertain events that sometimes occur in life can help make the situations more manageable if they do happen. We believe life, long-term care, disability, and health insurance products are worthy of consideration when preparing for the possibility of these uncertainties.

Life insurance proceeds provide replacement income to your family, can be used to pay off any outstanding debt like your mortgage, and provide funding for your children’s education.

As we get older, our health and ability to care for ourselves without assistance can also become a challenge. We recommend the creation, or review, of a long-term care plan to ensure you have the financial means available receive the quality of care you need.

Disability insurance is also something that we, as a firm, believe in reviewing. If you were to become sick or injured and unable to work today, would it be difficult to pay your mortgage or other financial obligations? If you answered ‘yes,' then disability insurance should be part of your insurance plan.

Health insurance is an integral part of any individual’s financial planning. While most of our clients have access to group health insurance, others have to turn to the individual health market. The Affordable Care Act has caused many changes to the individual health insurance market. We can help our clients understand and navigate and apply correctly for the APTC (Advanced Premium Tax Credit).

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